Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Having a Healthy College Lifestyle

Plenty of people agree that college was the best period of their lives. While it doesn't really speak well for the majority of their time on this earth, one can certainly say that college is a great experience. Everything changes; it is the period of time where a child learns how to be an adult.

Life can get a little overwhelming when you first start college, and some people can't help but put on a little bit of weight. It's called the freshman 15. You may have heard about it, and it probably worries you.

Don't have a conniption. Just eating right and exercising can ward off the pounds. This applies most to college freshmen, who are the most likely to get caught up in the college lifestyle and completely forget about keeping up their health.

Prevent your schedule from becoming too hectic why you're in college. Make time for friends, make time for your studies, and make time for exercise. This is the first step to assuring that you live a healthy college lifestyle.

Don't take the bus if you don't have to. Walking more and tracking the distance that you walk are great ways to keep your fitness up. And when you eat, avoid fatty foods with a lot of grease. In fact, try to avoid fast food altogether.

The college lifestyle is not the optimum state for the digestive tract. Therefore, you should avoid eating one or two really big meals a day and focus instead on eating smaller meals throughout the day. Try to eat happily, even if it digs a little into your pockets.


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